Dr Nadine Baron

We are now able to carry out a full body contouring treatment using one, single machine. The EVOLVE By INMODE technology uses bipolar radiofrequency and neurostimulation thanks to electromyostimulation (EMS). 

This new technology allows us to work on several areas of the body to improve skin elasticity, eliminate fatty bulges, destroy cellulite and build muscle in certain areas of your body. The latest-generation EVOLVE By INMODE body contouring platform allows us to treat the skin, the fat and the muscles in order to offer a comprehensive body reshaping solution, in a completely non-invasive way.

Treating the whole body in three different ways

Our skin changes as we age. It loses its elasticity and starts to sag, which is known as ptosis. Ptosis often appears on the face, but it can also occur on the rest of the body, in certain areas where the skin is thinner and more fragile, such as the stomach, the back of the arms, the inner thighs and the buttocks.

Furthermore, we can develop fat stores on these fragile areas, even if we are slim: our body tends to stockpile fat, making it difficult to get rid of. Finally, due to a lack of exercise but also due to age, our muscles waste away. In summary, sagging skin, muscular hypotrophy, the appearance of cellulite and increased adipose tissue all make our figure less attractive. 

The EVOLVE By INMODE technology is a multifunctional body contouring and body sculpting technology, equipped with several cutting-edge technologies, which are completely non-invasive.

EVOLE By INMODE allows us to treat the whole body, acting upon three components: skin, fat and muscle. Three indications treated by the same machine, to reshape your body as you wish, whether you are a man or a woman, thanks to special applicators that have been designed to address every different requirement.

A large number of non-surgical body reshaping treatments are already on the market, but they require practitioners to carry out the treatment, and they need to be on hand for the whole session.

RF energy to reshape the skin

The platform works all on its own – once the patient has been seated and the applicators have been plugged in – thanks to the implementation of three technologies:

  • Evolve Tite exploits the power of RF energy to reshape the skin, tighten it up and improve its appearance. This is an incision-free plasty, indicated when the skin is saggy, particularly on the inner arms, belly, inner thighs and buttocks.
  • Evolve Trim targets cellulite and fat stores by combining radiofrequency energy in the deepest layers of subcutaneous fat, with gentle suction to reboot lymphatic drainage.
  • Evolve Tone for effort-free muscle toning thanks to electromyostimulation (EMS). It acts just like a gym session, except this session requires no effort and you will feel no stiffness afterwards. The stimulations lead to intense muscle contractions which are impossible with standard electrostimulation belts.

The EVOLVE By INMODE technology allows us to:

  • Obtain toned, firmer skin
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Reshape the body’s affected areas: arms, belly, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, etc.
  • Have no restrictions after the sessions: you can go back to your daily activities straight away
  • Avoid any restrictions in terms of skin type
  • Enjoy a pain-free treatment
  • Offer a fast treatment, which takes just 15 to 60 minutes

We see a gradual improvement in the treatment area(s) from the very first session, and several areas can be treated at once! The TRIM, TONE and TITE applicators can all be used in the same session.

Dr Nadine Baron: GP since 1990 (Toulouse), medical advisor for various companies: AVIVA – PJ, AIG, AXA, CIPRES, GAN, GENERALI, GMF, GROUPAMA, SOGESSUR, VERLINGUE, MUTUELLE DES SPORTIFS. Graduated from the CAPEDOC – top of the class of 2016-17 (Paris), Sports Medicine and Biology (Toulouse), Legal Compensation for Bodily Injury, Insurance Law and Personal Insurance, Morphological and Anti-aging medicine, Mesotherapy, degree in Nutrition and Diabetology. 

More : toulouse-esthetique.fr

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