By Thierry Piolatto
Boasting three resorts with different features and treatments, Charentes is the idea place for a thermal cure in a healthy natural environment where you can recharge your batteries and enjoy a range of leisure activities.
Thermes de Jonzac: a relatively new complex in an unusual setting.

This is actually a cave-like establishment that is nestled between robust pillars of rock. Jonzac is an ancient Huguenot town with the “green town” certification that boasts a wide range of leisure facilities and treatment spaces, including this space dedicated to phlebology. The “Soenna” source, discovered in 1979, is classed as a hyper-thermal spring containing sulphur, sulphates and sodium chloride, whose water emerges at a temperature of 62°C. Before use, it is cooled to between 28° and 36°C, depending on requirements. The water’s temperature and concentration of beneficial sulphur and trace elements make it unique, and offer up the exclusive option of treating three therapeutic orientations: rheumatology, the respiratory tracts and phlebology.
We recommend trying the “Apaiser son mental” (Soothe your mind) programme, which helps you to manage stress and become more serene and balanced. It includes sophrology, a hydromassage bed with a sensory dome, guided relaxation, active walking, gymnastics, music therapy, stress management and a support group with a therapist.
Thermes de Rochefort: France’s most mineralised thermal water.

The mineral water that is used in these baths springs from the depths of the Earth after following a complex route to the surface. It fell as rainwater 30,000 years ago, infiltrated the rock layers and filled up with minerals and trace elements. Captured at a depth of 800 metres, it is one of the deepest thermal springs in France. It is recognised for its four therapeutic orientations: rheumatology, phlebology, dermatology and complaints in the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. Bacteriologically very pure and practically isotonic to blood serum (pH 6.90), it has an anti-inflammatory action and is very healing and antalgic, namely thanks to its iron, boron, copper and lithium.
We recommend the “Derm’eau Active” cure to boost your skin. The combined benefits of Rochefort thermal treatments and the “So Bio Etic” products from Léa Nature – which contain Rochefort thermal water – soothe, hydrate and regenerate the skin. The cure includes the application of a blend of clay and thermal water, a thermal bath with pulsed water jets, a penetrating thermal shower, a thermal rain shower and warm thermal water compresses.
Thermes de Saujon: treating psychological and psychosomatic issues.

Since 1860, the Thermes de Saujon have specialised in treating anxiety, burnout, stress and all of the psychosomatic symptoms of these three complaints. Three formats are available: a 3-week thermal cure (covered by social security), the thermal school of stress, where special courses are taught, and the Philae thermal spa for wellness and relaxation with thermal water treatments. New for 2025 is the Psycho Trauma course, as this is one of the most commonly-encountered stresses experienced. The aims include identifying any serious incidents or events that might have led to post-traumatic stress, understanding the psycho-traumatic mechanisms, identifying any cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioural issues induced, learning strategies to face them, then identifying the best treatment for those issues. l
Thermes de Jonzac : Heurtebise, 17500 Jonzac
Thermes de Rochefort : 15 Av. Camille Pelletan, 17300 Rochefort
Thermes de Saujon : 6 Rue de Saintonge,
17600 Saujon