A real scientific breakthrough from DERMEDEN Laboratories
What if there was an effective protocol for treating pigmented dark circles?

Periorbital hyperpigmentation (PHO) is a pathology whose understanding by the medical community is out of step with the high demand from patients: only 65 articles indexed on PubMed line, compared with 150 million results on the Google search engine!
A multicentric clinical study to validate the efficacy of a new Protocol
DERMEDEN Laboratories are launching the first study in 5 countries (Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, France and Spain) to clinically demonstrate the efficacy of an innovative protocol for treating pigmented dark circles. This unique protocol incorporates 4 high-dose molecules (Tranexamic Acid, Niacinamide, Lactic Acid, Ferulic Acid) combined with 3 Microneedling treatments and a home treatment, on more than 85 patients.
The role of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) in Hyperpigmentation treatment:

Tranexamic acid is basically a drug used for its coagulant properties. Its depigmenting activity has recently been discovered and is the subject of a growing number of scientific studies. They all show that TXA is not only very well tolerated, but that it is as effective as hydroquinone, THE go-to treatment for hyperpigmentation. It acts effectively on the pigment pathway, but its originality lies in the fact that it also inhibits the plasminogen pathway, which is particularly involved in the hyperpigmentation process.
Anti Peri-Oribital Hyperpigmentation Protocol by DERMEDEN Laboratories:
3 microneedling treatments (1 per month) on pigmented dark circles with high-dose Tranexamic Acid (5%) and 10% pure Niacinamide (undiluted). Between each treatment and after the last treatment, an at-home protocol with a light depigmenting peel (8.5% Lactic Acid, 5% Tranexamic Acid and 2% Ferulic Acid) for month 1, then a topical concentrate combining 5% TXA and 10% Niacinamide for months 2 to 5.
Impressive Preliminary results:
Preliminary results from 45 patients showed a statistically significant improvement in both eyes, with a 43% reduction in HPO compared with the control (Table 1) after just 2 sessions of microneedling and a 20% reduction in the level of erythema compared with the control. No rebound effects and no cases of PIH were reported.
For more information: info@dermeden.com