Health & Nutrition

Allergan Earfold

A mini-invasive implant for prominent ears Previously, people with prominent ears only had one solution: surgical otoplasty, which involves making an incision into the fold of the ear then reshaping or folding the cartilage using stitches. Now, thanks to Earfold, there is an alternative to surgery. Earfold is a small […]


By Doctor Jean Marc Chardonneau A few figures: 18 million people in France suffer from venous disease and women are the most-commonly affected. The prevalence of venous insufficiency increases with age and women are affected at an earlier age than men. 40% of employees suffer from venous insufficiency in their […]

What’s so good about polyphenols?

By Doctor Claude Dalle Where do they come from? Polyphenols are manufactured by plants to fight sun damage (UV) and resist disease. They can be found in the skin and flesh of fruit and vegetables. Every plant, fruit or vegetable contains high and varied quantities of polyphenols. There are four […]

nu3 Pure, organic baobab powder

A superb addition to your smoothies! Baobab is considered a superfood because it is extremely rich in nutrients. It contains antioxidants, fibre, vitamin C and a host of B vitamins (in particular thiamine) as well as minerals (calcium, potassium and magnesium, to name but a few). This pure baobab powder […]