Aesthetic Medicine

Combined treatments for cellulite

By Doctor Catherine De Goursac. Magazines always show flawless images of female and male bodies, completely free of cellulite. Is this only possible in a dream? Not any more, because we can now get rid of cellulite using a combination of treatments: cryolipolysis and high-intensity focused ultrasounds (HIFU) or cryolipolysis […]

Facial aging

By Doctor Gilles Korb The right choice of combined treatments. The way the face ages depends on the person. My role as an aesthetic doctor is to suggest a protocol of treatments adapted to their particular case and their age. We need to treat the skin for dehydration, sagging, a […]

The role of stress in ageing and disease and its modulation through adaptogenic plants

By Naturopath Karim Chubin One of the early pioneers of stress research was Dr. Hans Selye, a Hungarian-Canadian endocrinologist. In 1936, Selye conducted a series of experiments for which he subjected rats to repetitive low-grade stress, including low temperatures, muscular fatigue, adrenaline, and morphine. These stressors (agents of stress), Selye observed, […]

Combined treatments for the oval of the face

By Doctor Maryse Matéo Delamarre Nowadays, the approach adopted in aesthetic medicine is COMPREHENSIVE and often involves combining various techniques. Combined treatments enable us to achieve natural results that are also more effective.   After a detailed clinical analysis, a personalised treatment plan is recommended for each patient. The different […]