By Dr François Alamigeon

After many years performing cryolipolysis and several thousand treatments carried out worldwide, it turns out that this technique appeared highly effective, but is even more so when coupled with other treatments, in 50% of cases.

The explanation for this is that the eligibility of this technique can be limited by:

  • the fat tissue volume,
  • the origin of the fat tissue,
  • its location,
  • the condition of the skin,
  • the patient’s body type…

This thinking led to different studies being carried out, which gave rise to a comprehensive concept: Morpho Cryo Sculpture.

What’s the winning combination?

Morpho Cryo Sculpture is an easy solution to implement, to treat and improve all problems concerning the body shape. It groups together two non-invasive and effective techniques, not only on cellulite but also on localised fat such as saddlebags: multipolar radiofrequency (to combat cellulite) and ultrasonic cavitation (to combat excess weight).

The aim is to enhance the results achieved by cryolipolysis on localised fat.

New: Morpho Cryo Sculpture uses plates of special cold lasers to focus on the adipocytes (850nm), which makes overall weight loss easier by targeting the endocavitary fat in people who are overweight.

It combines two techniques non-invasive care and allows to treat fat by target area

How does the innovative device works?

These four techniques in synergy benefit from the CHECK SYSTEM, a unique concept that is able to provide not only a protocol of 1 to 4 personalised treatments, but also all of their different frequencies and the ideal synergy between them all. This protocol is established using the following settings:


  • MORPHOMETRIC PHOTOS: taken using a special, integrated camera
  • BMI (automatic)

Treatment areas

  • TYPE and ORIGIN OF FAT in the treatment area
  • THICKNESS in the treatment area (measurement)
  • SKIN QUALITY in the treatment area (measured using specific elastometry)

In this way, a distended stomach whose hypodermis has been damaged by several pregnancies can be treated using ultrasonic cavitation (volume) and radiofrequency (skin tautness).

A diagnostic assessment will be carried out to prescribe a protocol per area and treatments spread over 1 to 12 weeks. Note that the CHECK SYSTEM also includes nutritional concepts adapted to aesthetics and a nutrition software for obese patients. No treatments will be offered if the patient’s BMI is over 30 and they refuse nutritional monitoring.

This means that you can happily indulge in some safe “body contouring”, which has become a real phenomenon in today’s society.

Anti-aging medicine to fight against agingDoctor François Alamigeon

Exclusive Aesthetic Physician, Doctor of Physics, Doctor of Medicine. Degree in Dietetics and repair of body injury.

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