Dr Béatrice Zakarian

The sun, smoking, the menopause, etc. all dehydrate the skin. After the summer, our skin is often dry and dehydrated, which causes it to sag and lose its radiance. The skin becomes thinner and drier, and its surface often looks crumpled.

Hyaluronic acid is the treatment of choice for hydrating the skin. Widely used in cosmetology, it is extremely useful in mesotherapy with the mesolift technique – a revitalising and hydrating treatment for thin, dry, sun-damaged skin – and can be blended with vitamins and minerals. This is a medical proce- dure that involves small, superficial injections that boost the skin by giving it a shot of hydration.

Why not hydrate the skin more deeply and target all of the skin’s layers?

A straightforward technique (SKIN VITA-LISS method), which combines several hydrating steps in several procedures that target all of the skin’s layers, allows us to revitalise and hydrate the skin for the long term.

The aim is to:

  • Improve the skin quality for a real radiance boost
  • Improve its elasticity and firmness
  • Smooth and revitalise the skin
  • Recover its density and plumpness

The SKIN VITA-LISS subtly does all of the above, without creating any volume.

The indications include:

  • Tired-looking skin
  • Moderate skin sagging
  • “Crumpled-looking” skin
  • Skin that is rough to the touch

This technique can be carried out alongside other aesthetic treatments – hyaluronic acid injections, peels, etc. – for full patient satisfaction.

The SKIN VITA-LISS method is performed in three stages, treating the skin from its deepest to its most superficial layers.

  • In the first stage, we inject cross-linked hyaluronic acid with a cannula, to deeply hydrate and gently densify the hypodermis.
  • In the second stage, we target the dermis with micro-pu- ncture injections of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid blended with a complex that contains mineral salts, amino acids and vitamins.

This stimulates the fibroblasts, which produce collagen and elastin, improving the skin’s firmness and elasticity, and den- sifying the dermis.

  • In the third stage, we treat the epidermis by injecting the same blend as we used for the dermal layer, but this time we employ the nappage technique.

The keratinocytes are stimulated, which reboots cell renewal. The skin’s antioxidant power is optimised and its surface hydration is boosted.

With this method, we are able to improve the skin’s overall structure and texture, for a long-lasting radiance boost.

The SKIN VITA-LISS method improves the overall skin quality in all of the skin’s layers through targeted hydration, for an instant radiance boost and smooth, toned skin.

It is also the ideal complement to hyaluronic acid injections for harmonious and long-lasting results!

Dr Béatrice Zakarian

Doctor of medicine. Graduated from Lyon Medical School. Member of the French Society of Aesthetic Medicine. Medical trainer and speaker. Has practised only Aesthetic Medicine for the last 20 years. Specialises in medical aesthetic techniques for facial rejuvenation: peels, filler injections and skin rejuvenation injections by mesotherapy.


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