Created by people who are passionate about the eld of aesthetics and used by the world’s most reputed professionals, Restylane®, the brand that sets the standards for aesthetic medicine, is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016. This renowned product, in which doctors and patients place their unquestionable trust, has enhanced the natural beauty of more than 28 million men and women worldwide. And this year, the brand is once again revolutionising the aesthetics industry by unveiling its proven combined therapies.


From evolution to revolution

Twenty years ago, aesthetic demands focused on a desire to “TURN BACK THE CLOCK”, an obsession with PREVENTING AGING AT ALL COST. It was the age of so-called “rejuvenating” aesthetic medicine. At the time, “anti-aging” meant “making you look ten years younger”.

Today, however, PREVENTION is the new keyword in ANTI-AGING. 2016 marks the beginning of a new era in bespoke procedures, a more modern approach that is more in tune with the patients. Now, Restylane® provides solutions for women’s aesthetic concerns with its new concept of proven combined therapies, for women who are no longer seeking aesthetic perfection, but who simply want to enhance their own image.

The era of the completely bespoke

The REVOLUTION here consists of a 3-stage approach to optimise treatment according to the patient’s requirements and the effect desired:

1. Subtly ll any wrinkles and shape the face’s volumes, for those who want to restore any lost volumes or erase their facial wrinkles.

2. Restore the face’s harmony and create balanced proportions. Twenty years ago, we sought to achieve a standardised result that matched a particular model, whereas nowadays the idea is to harmonise the features in order to balance out the face and accentuate its characteristics by creating better de nition in the facial contours.

3. Take into account the skin quality to illuminate the face. In the early years of aesthetics, skin quality was never even considered. Twenty years later, it is at the very heart of treatment.

Nowadays we have recognised that there is not just one, but many types of beauty. Now more than ever, we are seeking to be proud of and, above all, loyal to ourselves!

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