Staying young, desirable and fulfilled
Dr Sandra Texier
Regenerative medicine – with its holistic and multidisciplinary approach combined with
high-performance technologies – answers many women’s functional and aesthetic demands.
Intimate medicine deserves its place in anti-aging and aesthetic medicine. The taboos connected with intimate issues are finally lifting and the menopause no longer heralds the end of a woman’s love life or social life. Several studies show that women with a fulfilling sex life are healthier and more active. But it is not just the menopause that causes intimate issues: all women can be affected, regardless of their age. This is why my approach not only involves relieving the symptoms but also treating the problem at its source. To allow myself to do this, I decided to create a Women’s Intimate Medicine department inside my clinic, Maison Magnifisens. My integrative, humanist and multidisciplinary approach helps patients who are suffering from symptoms at various stages of their life, whether they are menopausal, hyperactive sporty types, new mothers suffering from perineal dysfunction, or women with issues following chemotherapy.
The treatment begins with a consultation and in-depth questions about the problem and the patient’s expectations. Even just talking about the issue and sharing their hang-ups takes away some of their embarrassment, making them feel lighter and creating a sense of trust. I then carry out a clinical examination. Finding out about their sex life and urinary health enables me to make a diagnosis so that I can draw up a treatment plan and set the number of treatments required. Every patient has their own personalised protocol.
The often-neglected perineum
The perineum is a complex ensemble of muscles, fascia and tendons whose job is to hold back and release urine and faeces. It is also responsible for vaginal tonus.
This complex architecture becomes damaged during pregnancy, for example, and starts to slacken as we get older, leading to muscle loss that is aggravated by normal hormone changes. To treat urinary incontinence during exercise and mixed incontinence, I work with Emsella®, which strengthens and tones the muscles in the perineum. The device uses a high-intensity electromagnetic technology that is capable of triggering deep and regular contractions. The patient remains fully dressed and simply sits on a chair. The contractions triggered during the 28-minute session are the equivalent of thousands of Kegel exercises. The protocol includes 6 to 8 sessions, one a week. We see a 68% improvement in urinary incontinence after 12 months and better sensations in the vagina. Urinary leakage gradually reduces and even disappears during exercise, when walking, running, carrying heavy or light weights, and during triggering activities such as coughing or laughing. Sleep is improved because the patient needs to urinate less often. A toned perineum also enables them to have more vaginal sensation during sex.
Radiofrequency to restore the vagina

In the years after the menopause or in women who have undergone chemotherapy, physiological symptoms set in such as a loss of sensation with a feeling of slackening, vaginal and vulvar dryness that can be very itchy and coupled with pain or bleeding from the mucous membrane during sex. I use EMFEMME 360® radiofrequency to stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin fibres. I use a brand new vaginal tip on the device for every patient and the pain-free sessions last 8 minutes. Four to eight sessions spaced two weeks apart are required. These sessions improve the patient’s vaginal comfort, as her mucous membrane is hydrated and toned. Her vaginal and urinary health is also improved and her vaginal microbiome is restored, meaning fewer bacteria and infections, and she experiences increased sexual pleasure thanks to her toned vaginal walls.
A rejuvenated intimate area: yes please!
One of the problems that often pushes women to make an appointment with their doctor is a hang-up about their vulva’s appearance. Some don’t dare to show their intimate area if they have asymmetrical, deflated or saggy lips. Injections of a special hyaluronic acid can be performed to fill and sculpt the outer and inner lips. This boosts the patient’s confidence and restores their powers of seduction.
Injecting the G-spot with hyaluronic acid: taboo or not taboo?
When presenting this option, I have noticed that this is not yet a priority, but the idea is gaining interest. You just have to look at the skyrocketing sales of sextoys designed to be included in lovemaking sessions, a practice that is no longer taboo and is now considered to be a pleasure-enhancing “side-dish”. Injecting the G-spot is a regular request, and is increasing all the time. This precise and delicate procedure requires specific training, and I recommend injecting once a year.
More pleasure, more joie de vivre
By boosting self-esteem and resolving any functional issues that affect their life, we can make women feel more fulfilled and restore their radiant femininity: this is my mission. The encounters and conversations I have had with patients at the beginning and end of their protocols, the fact that I have been able to regenerate them, both physically and psychologically, and witness their strength and resilience, nourishes me and inspires me to keep giving them the best I can.

Dr Sandra Texier: Having trained as a GP, I later became a nutritionist and hypnotherapist before getting a university diploma in anti-aging and morphological medicine. My centre, the Maison Magnifisens, which I founded, combines these skills to improve self-esteem, wellbeing and beauty without compromising health. I am committed to helping my patients flourish.
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