By Doctor Claude Chauchard

We all start the year with positive resolutions about work, organisation, love, losing weight, etc. I am going to try to help you with this last one by sharing my method for avoiding gaining weight, or not putting any lost weight back on, by adhering to 8 basic principles. I have devised 8 golden rules to help you: CHEAT – CHEW – WALK – PROTEIN – WATER – CORRECT – WEIGH – COOK

C” is for CHEAT: You are allowed to cheat, i.e. have a little treat, once or twice a week. It is your safety net, so that you do not completely lose the notion of eating for pleasure and avoid feeling frustrated.

C” is for CHEW: Chewing, for me, means properly absorbing your food. This is vital for good digestion. Do not forget that a healthy intestine is a quiet intestine, and that a quiet intestine burns calories much more effectively.

W” is for WALK: Try to walk at least 5,000 steps every day to ensure that your body is doing a minimum of exercise. Ideally, I would add an extra 5 flights of stairs. Believe me, that’s the least you need to do in order to avoid gaining weight.

P” is for PROTEIN: Proteins are essential, as they consume 30% more calories than they contain when they are being digested. They also favour muscle development. When eaten alongside vegetables, they stop you from putting on weight and satisfy your hunger.

W” is for WATER: Our bodies are 70% water, which shows just how important it is. I recommend drinking an average of 2 litres per day. Water both hydrates the body and helps to eliminate the waste from cell metabolism, especially through the urine. Vegetable juices (preferably green) are also very good for you, and can replace 2 to 3 glasses of water.

C” is for CORRECT: This is a very important aspect of my approach. You can immediately correct any slip-ups during the week with an 18-hour fast: simply refrain from eating after 6pm until lunchtime the following day.

W” is for WEIGH: In my method, I insist that you weigh yourself every day. It is only by weighing yourself daily that you can understand how your body reacts to what you have eaten. It also ensures that you stay vigilant and act quickly when required, following the rule, “a kilo gained, a kilo to lose”, and a kilo to lose automatically means one or two consecutive 18-hour fasts.

C” is for COOK: I left cooking until last because the way you cook food is fundamental. I encourage you to eat raw food as much as possible, and recommend cooking at low temperatures, no higher than 120°. In this way, you will not adulterate any of the molecules of your food, which will consequently be better absorbed by the cells and therefore transformed into more energy.

These 8 rules will be useful throughout your life, whether you are eating at home, in a restaurant or even at special events, to help you better choose the food available to you.

Optional extra:

In addition to these 8 golden rules, here are some more tips that can have a significant effect on your figure:

No.1: Manage your stress, as stress makes you put on weight! In times of stress, the hormone cortisol is secreted by the adrenal cortex. This hormone leads to the release of fat and glucose. It is important to learn how to manage stress and there are many effective tools that you can use, starting with breathing exercises. Meditation, sophrology and relaxation sessions have also proven effective.

No.2: Take the time to savour your meals and eat slowly. At work, avoid short lunch breaks or, even worse, eating at your desk.

Finally, No.3: Avoid salt and beware of hidden salts. Avoid snacking, steer clear of ready meals and pay attention at social occasions that inevitably offer cured meats and salty snacks. Your worst enemies are too much sugar and carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes). Control how much of them you eat: only eat them in small quantities and at the right time of day, according to the Chrono Geo Nutrition method.


Doctor Claude Chauchard

Author of the book “Maigrir autrement avec la Chrono Geno Nutrition” (A different way to lose weight with Chrono Geno Nutrition) – Editions Michel LAFON

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