What is the body contouring secret of Hollywood’s biggest stars? Coolsculpting®!

Since April 2017, the world’s leading cryolipolysis company has counted on the support of its new international ambassador Debra Messing, from cult series Will & Grace. Like other famous actors, she chose the Coolsculpting® technique to achieve a perfectly-shaped figure in one session and with no effort!

Muscle loss after the summer holidays

When you get back from holiday, you might have a great tan but often a few pounds have crept on while you were away. The consequences? An undefined silhouette with two extra centimetres around your waist. So, if the heady summer cocktail of sunshine, barbecues and calorific drinks has made you lose your muscle tone, Coolsculpting® − the world’s leading non-invasive fat-freezing treatment – will get rid of your excess fat in record time!

Melted by the cold, the ultimate paradox!

Coolsculpting® is a medical treatment that involves eliminating adipocytes using the cold, or more precisely through cryolipolysis. Developed in the United States, the treatment’s success (more than 4.5 million treatments carried out worldwide) is down to its simplicity: non-invasive, minimum pain, safe, trustworthy and effective. “The treatment is not painful; the suction sensation might feel uncomfortable but, once the cold is applied, there is no pain. The massage carried out immediately after treatment can be uncomfortable or even painful but only lasts a few minutes. At check-ups, patients are often surprised and delighted with the results when they see their before/after photos,” says dermatologist Dr N. Pomarède.

The technique can be used on all areas of the body where fat is stored, such as the flanks or love handles. So, if you want to achieve a perfect hourglass figure, just one 35-minute session is enough for each area. “Coolsculpting smooths the silhouette and targets any bulges. You can lose up to 25% of fat in just one session, enabling us to sculpt a lovely hourglass figure that all women dream of!” says dermatologist Dr N. Pomarède.

Price from €600 per session and €1,200 for the treatment of love handles.

List of approved centres:

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