By Dr Ghislaine Beilin

A new generation of resorbable threads has been developed in recent years: support threads. They have become a key tool in our therapeutic arsenal. Treating facial aging targets the volumes and wrinkles with fillers, skin quality with skinboosters, and repositions the facial tissues with support threads. 

Definisse absorbable threads are made from polylactic acid combined with polycaprolactone. Absorbable support threads really come into their own when treating skin sagging. Our therapeutic arsenal is extensive and complementary: hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin, mesotherapy and devices using EBD energy or regenerative medicine. Facial rejuvenation involves treating skin ptosis. In the Definisse range, the “DOUBLE NEEDLE” barbed threads allow us to reposition the mobile superficial skin tissues.

This way, the nasolabial folds and jowls are erased, the oval of the race is redefined and the neck is improved. Since the eye area has become more predominant now that we are all wearing masks, threads are also being used to correct forehead ptosis and droopy eyebrows, or even for a “FOX EYE” effect.

The “FREE FLOATING” threads – special bidirectional barbed threads – enable us to lift and compact the volume of the cheekbones. For patients who want to avoid or delay a surgical procedure, inserting “ANCORAGE” threads is an alternative or an intermediary measure for rejuvenating the face as they hook the periosteum and exert a stronger lifting force for heavier skins.

The cost of the procedure varies according to the number of threads fitted. The procedures are carried out in less than half an hour under local anaesthetic in strictly sterile conditions, by fully trained practitioners. The after-effects are mild: very little downtime and only a little bruising or swelling. The post-procedure recommendations mainly involve avoiding sport, saunas or steam rooms, and any local trauma for 10 days.

The optimal result is achieved after three weeks, the time needed for the barbed threads to settle and for the tissues to be repositioned. Then the threads will gradually be resorbed over 12 months, with a tissue inducing effect that creates local neocollagenesis.

This procedure can be repeated. If the upper third of the face is the area of choice for toxin, and the middle third for enhancing volumes with hyaluronic acid or another filler, the lower third and neck are the best places for support threads. Today, Definisse threads are an integral tool for treating skin sagging. 

Dr Ghislaine Beilin: Aesthetic and anti-aging doctor in Paris with 39 years of experience. Vice-president of the SNME (French National Union of Aesthetic Doctors). Honorary member of the European Society of Preventative, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine. Expert and speaker at aesthetic medicine congresses in France and abroad.


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