EMFACE acts upon muscle sagging in the face and can be offered on its own. But the results are enhanced when it is combined with other procedures. 

Dr Carole Woodward 

EMFACE allows us to lift the face in a non-invasive way and improve the skin quality. Excited about this technology, I quickly noticed that the patients interested in this treatment could be split into two groups, which seem to have nothing in common.

Technology: EMFACE combines HIFES (High Intensity Focused Electric Synchronised fields) with synchronised radiofrequency delivered by three revolutionary applicators. The HIFES causes the face’s selected elevator muscles to contract, increasing muscle tone for a lifting effect. The radiofrequency stimulates the fibroblasts and boosts neocollagenesis to improve the skin quality. I recommend four to six 20-minute sessions to start with, then top ups as required. Results after 3 months: more open expression, corners of the mouth lifted, eyebrows lifted, better defi ned oval and jawline. In my practice, I have noticed the gradual repositioning of the facial relief. As for my patients, they see their own, younger-looking face in the mirror.

The appointment

Facial aging is multifactorial, resulting from bone resorption, muscle and skin sagging, and the melting and sliding away of fat. Our assessment allows us to suggest a personalised treatment plan to restore the facial harmony and carry out preventative work, taking into account the predicted changes to the face. The most natural results are achieved by combining synergic procedures. I have got into the habit of talking about EMFACE in all of my appointments, as nobody can avoid muscle sagging.

In practice, which patients go for EMFACE?

Two profiles of patient put their trust in this innovative treatment. The first are those who are afraid of needles, surgery, pain, side effects, losing their natural appearance and being injected with a foreign substance (or who present counterindications to injections). I am seeing more and more of this kind of patient, and EMFACE allows these people, who are reluctant to undergo classic aesthetic procedures, to benefit from a treatment that suits them. The second are patients who have already undergone aesthetic medicine treatments, who understand EMFACE’s unique action on muscle tone and the benefits of combining it with other procedures.

EMFACE can be carried out alongside hyaluronic acid injections, which enable us to restore volumes, recreate the facial structure and fill wrinkles. It can be used prior to injections for gradual results using fewer syringes of product, or as a follow-up treatment to injections, to enhance the results and boost myomodulation. EMFACE can also be combined with botulinum toxin: it boosts the tonus of the frontalis muscle, reduces wrinkles and, by improving the muscle response, allows for more subtle treatments. EMFACE is a stand-alone technology that can satisfy patients who want to improve their image without undergoing any classic aesthetic treatments. Integrating EMFACE into our arsenal of anti-aging therapies allows us to enhance their results, guaranteeing a harmonious and personalised appearance. 

Dr Carole Woodward: Dermatologist, university degree in aesthetic dermatology, cosmetology and lasers. Aesthetic dermatology practice in Grenoble. Trainer and expert in injectables, mentorship with Dr Mauricio De Maio. Believes in offering personalised and harmonious results.

More information: dermato-esthétique-grenoble.fr 

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