Dr Nadine Baron
Before talking about combination therapies, you need to know a bit about the skin’s structure.
First of all, you need to know that the dermis is our target and we need to focus on three cells in particular:
- Fibroblasts are the Rolls Royce of cells and need stimulating. They synthesise hyaluronic acid, which hydrates and tones the skin; elastin, which gives the skin its elasticity, i.e. its ability to spring back when stretched; and collagen, which gives the skin its density and structure.
- Melanocytes are the cells we need to be wary of and need to temporise. These cells give the skin its colour and make the complexion glow. However, sometimes these cells can clump together in the basement membrane and mark the skin.
- Keratinocytes, which are in the epidermis, are the cells that protect the surface of the skin and give it its appearance. They synthesise keratin, a fibrous protein that does not dissolve in water, which makes the skin impermeable. Keratinocytes also help protect the skin against ultraviolet light by collecting melanin in the melanosomes, which are synthesised in the melanocytes. Melanin is stored in the cells’ core, where it protects the DNA from sun damage.We are not talking about that feeling of wellbeing you get from the sun. That feeling is difficult to quantify and is also linked to the circumstances of this exposure (holidays, outdoor activities). The main benefit, which is vital for life, is vitamin D synthesis in the skin due to the action of UVBs. Exposing your face for just a few minutes per day is enough to produce the necessary quantity of vitamin D. Vitamin D allows calcium to be absorbed by the alimentary canal.
Here, we are talking about photo-induced skin aging. The sun is the main cause of skin aging.
Skin aging can appear as dry skin, an uneven complexion, pig- mentation marks, rosacea, white microcysts and wrinkles. It is mainly UV rays – both UVAs and UVBs – that are responsible for these modifications.
UVAs act upon the epidermis and the dermis. They gradually destroy the elastin fibres that hold up the skin’s structure and modify the skin’s collagen. UVBs mainly affect the epidermis, as they do not really penetrate into the dermis. The alterations caused by UV rays are complex, but the pro- duction of free radicals plays a central role. Combination therapies allow us to reboot the fibroblasts, eli- minate the keratinocytes at the surface, and eliminate excess melanin at the surface. In the same session, we perform biorevitalisation using the PRX-T33, mesotherapy and phototherapy with LED lights.
These combined therapies are suitable for all phototypes.
Biorevitalisation using the PRX-T33 involves the non-ablative, needle-free stimulation of the skin with chemicals. PRX-T33 is made up of 33% TCA blended with hydrogen peroxide. This association stimulates the dermis with chemicals and activates the fibroblasts’ growth factors without exfoliating the epidermis. It allows us to repair the skin after damage, but also rejuvenates it.
This treatment can be carried out simply by applying the product to the skin with a brush (2 or 3 brush strokes) but, depending on the state of the skin, you can use a roller to make the PRX penetrate more deeply. The roller’s action allows us to mechanically destroy the surface cells, the keratinocytes. The PRX alone destroys the desmosomes, which are small binding bodies between the keratinocytes.
Mesotherapy using NCTF® (New Cellular Treatment Factor) from FILLMED laboratories
NCTF® is a unique blend that contains more than 50 actives that are capable of recreating the ideal ecosystem for the skin’s cells.
- 23 amino acids
- 12 vitamins
- 6 coenzymes
- 6 minerals
- 5 nucleobases
- 1 antioxidant (glutathione)
- Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid for revitalisation
Three injection techniques can be used for three different actions. Depending on the indication and the treatment area, the doctor injects the mesolift product into three different cutaneous planes to produce an optimum result.
Injection into the epidermis: to even out the complexion The droplets of NCTF® are absorbed spontaneously by the skin. This superficial stimulation hydrates the skin, tightens the pores and gives an immediate radiance boost. After several sessions, there is a reduction in the depth of the wrinkles.
Injection into the junction between the epidermis and the superficial dermis: for fine lines and wrinkles
The doctor lifts the epidermis and injects the product where it meets the superficial dermis. Small white papules will appear on the skin, but disappear very quickly.
Injections into the superficial dermis: for tonicity
The doctor injects the product into the fibroblasts, which are responsible for collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid synthesis. This boosts neocollagenesis and firms up the skin.
Finally, we carry out a photo rejuvenation treatment using LED lights at the end of the session. This is one of the most spectacular components of anti-aging: reducing or erasing the signs of aging from the outside. After the very first phototherapy session, wrinkles and expression lines are erased, the pores are tighte- ned and the skin is lightened. Immediately after treatment, the patient feels like their skin can breathe better and, at the same time, it feels tighter. This is due to improved microcirculation, which hydrates the cells better and balances out their energy by acting upon the mitochondria, the cells’ energy source.
Depending on the skin’s condition, « La Villa Esthetique » suggest one to three sessions of combination therapies, spaced two weeks apart, plus two sessions spaced a month apart. The average cost per session is 200 euros.
DIU in Morphological and Anti-Aging Medicine. CES in Medicine and Sport Biology. DIU in Nutrition, Diabetology, Mesotherapy and Homeopathy. Degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Graduate in CAPEDOC, Body Damage Repair, Insurance of persons. DIU in Cranial Traumatic Assessment and National Medical Accidents.